This past July 4th, our son, daughter-in-law, and our grandchildren Isabell and Jami came for a visit. We had a lovely time going to the zoo, visiting the lake, and hiking, as well as plenty of quiet time, talking and reading together.
During one of those quiet times after I had finished reading a book to 7-year-old Isabell, we began to chat. As Isabell would be starting 2nd grade soon, I asked her what she thought 2nd grade would be like. She thought for a second and with a huge smile and dancing eyes replied, “Magical!”
I loved that answer! Clearly, Isabell was in a time of expectant waiting for second grade to begin. I loved that, in her period of expectant waiting, her big brown eyes saw the promise and hope that a new school year held. The promise of continuing to learn to read is, of course, a magic all its own. The promise of seeing old friends and making new ones – another kind of magic.
Waiting Like a Child
As Advent is drawing to a close, we too are in a time of expectant waiting. We wait to see out-of-town family. We wait to attend the quietly beautiful Christmas Eve service. We wait to see the joy on children’s or spouses’ faces when they open a well-chosen gift. And every year, we expectantly wait to hear the mysterious and awe-inspiring story of Christ’s birth.
For myself, I want to wait for the birth of the Christ child like Isabell has waited for 2nd grade. I want to wait with hope and enthusiasm and with bright shining eyes, knowing that the 2000-year-old story of shepherds and stars, of angels and mangers, and of mothers and fathers and babies is truly magical.