One of my core beliefs comes from a Haitian Proverb: "The Neighborhood is the Family."
Clarity is something that I didn’t know I needed, until it was pointed out to me that my world was actually very blurry. I was in the fifth grade and it was the very..
My mother was a professor of clothing and textiles at Wayne State University. She earned a bachelor’s degree at that school and then went on to earn a master’s degree at..
From God’s gift of Holy Spirit comes unexpected clarity.
Earlier this month I was leading Good Friday service at the small church that I pastor. I wanted the service to feel different than a typical Sunday morning service. I..
United Church Homes (UCH) is excited to announce a new initiative in our mission to promote the riches of abundant aging—our Abundant Aging podcast!
I have had the privilege and joy of two careers. After God called me into ministry, God gently reminded me I wasn’t quite finished yet. Waiting in the wings was an..
United Church Homes’ recently launched a new software enterprise management system. Everything we thought we once knew how to do competently and quickly has been turned..
From the Abundant Aging Blog Archives: This blog from September 23, 2021 reminds us of the source of Abundant Grace.
Sometimes grace comes as a wee small voice offering words of encouragement or suggesting we take some specific action.