The Courage to Hope

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  February 06, 2025

There is a saying attributed to St. Augustine that lingers in my thinking. It has come to mind multiple times in the past several months as many I know are struggling to understand what hope is. This questioning most often comes amid great fear and frustration with the present moment and the danger of lingering in despair when looking into the future.

Recent Blog Posts

Pandemic Lessons

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  April 07, 2020

A week before Christmas seven years ago, my spouse, Dave, and I were both sick with a virus at the same time. It was the first time in 29 years of marriage that we had..

A Pandemic Lament

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  April 05, 2020

As we enter another month of the COVID-19 pandemic reaching our communities, I hear so many of us struggling with this suspended time. A time when nothing is ordinary. I..

This Pandemic Is Personal: Why I'm Using My Confinement to Reach out to People I Care About, Focus on Gratitude and Be in the Present

By Guest Blogger  •  March 31, 2020

Reprinted with permission from Ira Byock, MD, chief medical officer of the Institute for Human Caring of Providence health system. His books include Dying Well, The Four..

Lenten Series: Sticks and Stones

By Rev. Rebecca S. King  •  March 27, 2020

Many of us may remember the adage from our childhood, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” What we may have learned along the way is..

Support for Individuals Residing in Senior Living Communities

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  March 24, 2020

During the past two weeks, those of us who provide services for older adults who live in or need the supports and services of senior living communities, have seen more..

Pastoral Pandemic Care with Independent Older Adults

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  March 22, 2020

During this pandemic, United Church Homes and the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging would like to support you in providing care to older members in your..

Pandemic Disruptions

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  March 20, 2020

Concerts have been cancelled. Sporting events both amateur and professional will not take place for the foreseeable future. Great cultural gathering places, museums and..

Lenten Series, Week Three: Friendship

By Rev. Ruth D. Fitzgerald  •  March 12, 2020

“Make new friends, but keep the old…” I can hear my Brownie troop’s voices singing the old song. I loved Brownies and Girl Scouting, and singing was just one part of its..

Lenten Series, Week Two: At the Table

By Rev. Catherine Lawrence  •  March 05, 2020

During these 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday, we are using “Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith” by Henri Nouwen as inspiration for this blog. This..