A few weeks ago, fellow blogger, John Gantt, wrote these words connecting the “four Cs” of this season’s theme.
This blog is the second in a series of reflections from the 3rd annual Symposium with Dr. Ira Byock on October 12, 2018, Abundant Aging Through the End of Life.
Today's blog is the first of several in a series of reflections on the 2018 Annual Symposium of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging. Dr. Ira Byock was the..
Disney/Pixar released Coco in theaters in 2017. While the vibrant colors and vivid images on the screen and beautiful and typical of Disney/Pixar works, the film’s..
Over the past several weeks, we have shared observations around palliative care. This topic is in anticipation for the Symposium of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for..
Good death. Isn’t that an oxymoron? Can death ever be good? When I asked a fellow pastor, he said, “Absolutely not. Death is the opposite of life; it’s an enemy.” That’s..
The Strangeness of Loving Funerals A friend of mine who serves as a church musician attended a memorial service recently and following the event, offered reflections..
MARION, Ohio – September 25, 2018. More baby boomers are making plans to ensure quality of life in their golden years. That includes making choices about how they wish..
Aging takes courage and challenges individuals to identify their own values, define priorities and discern the best path through life from a body, mind and spiritual..
I recently attended an event at The Ohio State University at Marion that focused on The Presidency and the Press. Because Marion is the late president Warren G...