As I prepare to retire in June, I find myself reflecting on the countless blessings of this journey and the lessons I’ve learned about purpose and service. For me, leadership at United Church Homes has always been rooted in service—service to others, to a greater mission and to the belief that every person deserves to live with dignity, purpose and joy.
To psychologists, purpose is an abiding intention to achieve a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world. More simply,..
I was born in 1931 in Chicago, Illinois, the youngest of four children. My dad worked in the complicated world of labor relations which contained elements of danger and..
A few years back, I fell completely and hopelessly in love with my bicycle. I even named it Baby Blue. Baby Blue and I would ride every day; my favorite route was riding..
Retirement and aging are doorways to abundant opportunities.
You know buzz words are important when you see them raised over and over in a variety of places. When it comes to things that are important to a person’s health,..
Journaling your summer memories allows you to preserve the past and capture the essence of those precious memories and experiences forever. By writing down your..
Think back. In what season are your favorite memories with your best friends? I’ve asked a number of people and summer seems to be the most common answer.
I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago named Evanston, Illinois. It was the home of Northwestern University; a neighbor of Loyola University and existed part way..
My dad was a local church pastor. The house we lived in during my elementary and middle school years was the only building the church owned for many years. His office..