The Neighborhood is the Family

By Rev. Joanna D’Agostino  •  January 30, 2025

One of my core beliefs comes from a Haitian Proverb: "The Neighborhood is the Family."

Recent Blog Posts

Summer Reflections: Journal to Preserve the Memory

By Parker Center Staff  •  July 25, 2024

Journaling your summer memories allows you to preserve the past and capture the essence of those precious memories and experiences forever. By writing down your..

Summers are for Friendships

By Kim Moeller  •  July 18, 2024

Think back. In what season are your favorite memories with your best friends? I’ve asked a number of people and summer seems to be the most common answer.

The Summer Job

By Rev. Dr. Bobbie McKay  •  July 11, 2024

I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago named Evanston, Illinois. It was the home of Northwestern University; a neighbor of Loyola University and existed part way..

The New. The Familiar. Home.

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  July 04, 2024

My dad was a local church pastor. The house we lived in during my elementary and middle school years was the only building the church owned for many years. His office..

Summers In the Neighborhood

By Rev. John Gantt  •  June 27, 2024

The basketball hoop was bolted above our garage doors. It wasn’t exactly straight but it was the only one on our street. I also had the only basketball.

I Remember

By Rev. Ruth D. Fitzgerald  •  June 20, 2024

Fireflies, Butterflies and Birds

By Lisa B. Thomas  •  June 13, 2024

A few summers ago, my husband John and I made some changes in how we cared for our yard. It started when I saw an advertisement for an organic lawn care program that did..

Summer Reflections

By Reverend Jessica Tinkham  •  June 06, 2024

As the anticipation for the warmth of summer's embrace builds, we find ourselves drawn irresistibly into the nostalgic embrace of cherished memories from seasons past...

Learning About Mortality on Memorial Day

By Kim Moeller  •  May 30, 2024

I learned about Memorial Day when I was very young. It was always a part of our family as my mother’s brother—Uncle George as we referred to him—died while serving in..