The Courage to Hope

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  February 06, 2025

There is a saying attributed to St. Augustine that lingers in my thinking. It has come to mind multiple times in the past several months as many I know are struggling to understand what hope is. This questioning most often comes amid great fear and frustration with the present moment and the danger of lingering in despair when looking into the future.

Recent Blog Posts


By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  August 08, 2019

There are signs and markers of summer everywhere these days. For some, school begins just days away. For others, vacation is still ahead. And for many, the routines of..

Joy in Aging

By Rev. Ruth D. Fitzgerald  •  August 01, 2019

If You’re Not Getting Older… I was widowed at a young age. Before his death, my husband was subject to his younger brothers’ teasing about getting older. As soon as he..

Medication Matters

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  July 25, 2019

Medication Matters Medication is the last blog in this series about What Matters Most for your healthcare. Inspired by an article from NextAvenue, this post rounds out..

Mobility Matters

By Rev. Beth Long-Higgins, VP of Engagement and director of the Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging  •  July 18, 2019

Mobility matters. We may live in a mobile culture, but being mobile — navigating the space around us — is more fundamental. This navigation began from the time we..

Mentation, Brain Health

By Rev. Catherine Lawrence  •  July 11, 2019

Brain Health Mentation, or brain health, is the second blog in this series about What Matters Most for your healthcare. Inspired by an article from NextAvenue , What..

LISTEN UP: Hearing What Matters Most to Our Care As We Age

By Rev. Rebecca S. King  •  July 08, 2019

AGE FRIENDLY The population of the United States is aging. A 2017 study found that “within just a couple decades, older people are projected to outnumber children for..

The Light of Hope

By Rev. Catherine Lawrence  •  June 20, 2019

Many residents in our community seek to live fully each day by focusing their energy on the light of hope. Addressing the joys and challenges of aging while living..

Hope as a Journey

By Rev. Rebecca S. King  •  June 13, 2019

Assessing for Hope As a chaplain working with older adults in long-term care, part of my call is to complete spiritual assessments with residents. In obtaining their..

Birth of a New Community

By Rev. Al Irby  •  June 07, 2019

A Community's Birth Communities of people are fluid. We change houses or jobs, get a promotion at work or join a church. Years later, some may choose to move into a..