Imagine my chagrin. In my high school days (oh my – that was over 70 years ago!) I thought I invented a word.
Summit to Address the Needs of the Community
We began this new year with wisdom from Parker Palmer — both in last week’s post and as he graced the gathering of participants at the Wisdom Conversation event on Jan...
I have been pleased to discover that we at United Church Homes have an honored tradition of having family members working together in some of our communities. Moreover,..
I recently had a brief conversation with an acquaintance about Christmas. The older adult indicated that they didn’t have much to “get ready” as Christmas really is for..
The watchword for this fourth Sunday of Advent is “joy,” and from reading this week’s gospel lesson from Luke, it is easy to see why. As we read of Mary’s visit to her..
Advent: Love During worship at United Church Homes' Fairhaven Community, we light a candle each week in Advent as we travel the four Sundays to Christmas Eve. Each..
How can I write a blog about peace in these troubling times? Everywhere I look, I find unrest, conflict and violence. Everywhere I listen, I hear angry name-calling,..
As the days grow shorter, it is an ancient practice to ground the journey toward the divine in hope. The Christian church marks the beginning of the church year with the..
This blog is the fourth in a series of reflections from the 3rd annual Symposium with Dr. Ira Byock on October 12, 2018, Abundant Aging Through the End of Life.